Hi there! I’m Robi. I played music in different underground bands as a metallic guitar player for years, however, I had never learned how to dance formally. At the same time, the desire to learn how to do the steps to the music within an established system of rhythm has been there on my bucket list for over a decade. The final push was given by my approaching wedding, when we finally decided with my fiancé to join Keep Swinging so that this form of entertainment can finally become part of our lives.
It was a Jazz Roots video that first drew my attention to Lindy Hop, and it was love at first sight. The limitless freedom and improvisational style of this dance enables you to find your own voice, thereby establishing your unique connection with the music and your partner. To me, finding a common voice and reacting together to the melody of swing music with a total or almost total stranger is one of the best feelings in the world. When teaching, I try to focus on the dialogue between the partners and the importance of musicality.
And finally, what makes this experience so unique is the Keep Swinging community. It is the general positive atmosphere and welcoming mood, the community programmes, festivals, and the vibrant energy waves of our Tuesday socials that keeps me going week after week.